Friday 6 November 2015

New Year New Me Update

Following on from my last post it gave me some much needed inspiration and motivation to action things.  It gave me a clarity that I had lost along the way.  Just an hour after I posted it I applied for a new job as a Domestic Loss Adjuster!  I am waiting to see if I hear anything back as it was via an agency that I know to advertise jobs that don't actually exist so I am not holding my breath.  It did serve a purpose though, it has given me direction.  I was very excited to see the job, I could visualise me doing it, that in itself tells me that it would be a step in the right direction.

I brought in the treadmill and the exercise bike from the shed, and I've been on it both Saturday and Sunday and have the intention of using it every night from now on...I need to get back into the power suit and I need to get back into my bike gear.

I even pulled the bike out and went for a spin - unfortunately not only do my leathers not fit by any stretch of the imagination but now my boots wont zip up!!  Seriously, this needs to be addressed urgently!! 

I love riding my bike, more so when I don't need to be anywhere or go anywhere, just a bimble to see where I end up.  My hubby accompanied me as this bike hasn't been out for quite a long time and we wanted to make sure that it was ok in readiness for the Ring of Red this week end.  It was fine, rode fantastically.

UPDATE:  I started this post yesterday and already things have changed a bit.  My hubby had a terrible day at work yesterday and came home feeling very stressed and exhausted.  His company do not care.  They do not have his best interests at heart and despite his long service he is just a number to management.  He works very long hours and has forced overtime due to the type of job he has and very often he works a whole week extra every month. He is not appreciated for the hard work he does, in fact I think it is safe to say that management don't have a clue how hard the job really is as they have their plush office jobs and are away from the danger zone.  I need to try and get him out of there.

It has made me realise that the job I have currently is pretty easy going.  My managers care, I feel I am appreciated as a person and most people know who I am and what I do.  The only issue with my job is that it is dull and doesn't inspire me to give it 100% - I keep trying to find ways to make it more interesting but so far not so good...but it doesn't really stress me out, I just work my hours and go home, I don't take it home with me.  I should appreciate my position even more knowing just that!

Obviously the agency never contacted me just as I thought.  It probably wasn't even an actual job.  It is all just a scam to get my CV on their database so they can hound me with other 'similar' jobs that actually are nothing like and with rubbish pay...just like they did last time.  I accept this is just how it is and carry on regardless.

Maybe I should just stay here, better the devil you know kind of thing.  I know that there is a job out there for me somewhere that would make me feel alive and as though I am actually contributing something to someone but I am not sure I am ready to leave the security blanket of this place yet...if ever.  Maybe my exciting life should be totally separate to this comfortable working life...maybe I should fill my spare time with excitement and memories and just have somewhere to 'rest' my brain and body during the work week!

Decisions, decisions.

Until next time, take care xxx

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