I have just ordered Leonie Dawson's 2015 Workbook and Calendar Life Edition and I cannot wait to get it all printed out and put in my filofax...dilemma - which one to use?!
I had this last year and it was a pretty good tool to use for making you think about where you've been and where you want to go - figuratively speaking. I didn't complete it all and I blame the fact that I fell head first into the Filofax Hole of Dilemmas to that, I got sucked into the whole frenzy of buying, selling and changing filofaxes more than I ate hot dinners and then there was the decorating thing...it kind of took all my spare time (and then some) and that left no time for contemplating.
I am not getting sucked into the complications that there are in finding the ultimate planner unicorn - I have it now and so it is time to sit back quietly and comfortably to plan and find that elusive 'Life peace' instead!
I am now at planner peace and the time is now mine for contemplation of a gigantic measure!
So where do you start this amazing journey of wonder? I guess the beginning is as good a place as any so with that in mind I need a starting point.
There are a few things that are deemed important by us mere mortals - Health, Relationships, Career, Wealth and Spiritual - seem to be the most popular. So I'll start with those and see if anything else crops up along the way.
Health - it could be better, I guess most of us can say that! I should take better care of myself, both in diet and exercise as both are severely lacking! I have the ideas, I have the tools, I have everything I need to successfully execute both of these things but for some inane reason I am not doing anything! This seriously needs addressing. My youngest wants to start running, I have said that I will do that with him but to date nothing has happened - my fault. He needs trainers and I need to get them! I will do that this pay day and we will get started asap.
Relationships - I have no complaints or issues here thankfully. We are coming up to our 18th Wedding Anniversary at Christmas and we are still blissfully happy :)
Career - This I need to spend some time thinking about...I will come back to that!
Wealth - I guess this is linked to the above but as far as things go, I'm not in a bad place here. We could always do with a bit more though and winning the lottery wouldn't be sniffed at!!
Spiritual - I don't mean religion here, I am not a religious person but I do mean spirituality in the meditation sense of the word. I think it is most definitely something I would like to learn how to do and practise. I love the idea of being able to zone everything out and have some quality time with my head. I tried Yoga a few times and it definitely is only as good as the tutor. I went to one in a nice environment with soft lighting and incense burning and that was fantastic...so much different to the one in the sports hall with floodlighting! I don't have the membership any more for the first place so I can't go back to that one which is a shame.
So other than the above, there is home life or own time or whatever it is you want to call it where you are at home and not doing chores or study or shopping - but the time when you are free to do something else.
What is the most important thing - the time you spend on your career or the time you spend free? What I mean is, when the saying goes 'Do what makes you feel alive' are they referring to your career or the other time? Does spending your free time doing everything you love to do make up for not having quite the career you thought you wanted? Or is it more important to have the career that you love and get not so much from your free time? I guess we spend more time at work than we do having free time.
I wonder whether spending the free time doing fulfilling things and having fun makes doing a 'meh' job more satisfying? Although that said, I actually quite enjoy my job and can't actually think of anything else to do that would suit me but I think that's because it's what I've always done so still in my comfort zone.
That brings me to another question - if it is called your 'comfort zone' why do you feel as though you need to get out of it? Surely if it is 'comfort' then it's somewhere you're happy to stay or should I say satisfied to stay...if you're not satisfied enough to not think of being somewhere else then surely it isn't comfortable either!? Maybe I am just over thinking it too much!!
So what is meant by a 'career'? According to the dictionary it is 'an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities to progress' - I was doing well until the second half of that sentence! Doesn't mention that it makes you 'feel alive' though does it or that you have to remotely enjoy it!?
I have waffled on and gone off the tracks a bit here but whatever.
Leonie's workbook is a great tool for making you think about things like this - and other stuff too - and I am seriously going to give it some head time. It is a time for discovery and a time to get some much needed answers, even if I'm not sure what the actual questions are yet! I am positive that the perfect balance is out there, I just need to find it.
I'll do an update once I have printed it out and started working through it, it may or may not be of interest.
Until then, take care xxx