Saturday, 27 December 2014

2015 Preparations

Has anyone tried Leonie Dawson's yearly workbooks? I am on my second one although I didn't complete much of 2014 to be honest but I liked the style and illustrations in it and it does make you think about what your goals and aspirations are for the year ahead. I bought the one for 2015 and I am loving it!

There are parts of it that I wouldn't use, a bit too spiritual-esque for me but overall it is a great bit of kit and I have enjoyed filling it in bit by bit, I find that I keep going back to it and adding a bit more each time, which I guess is the whole idea of it. 

I think my set up for my VDS A5 Manager is evolving quite nicely and 2015 hasn't even started yet but my calendar that I got from Paperchase started on Christmas Day so I have jumped straight in!  I wasn't sure what I was going to use the calendar for as I use my Senior for appointments and the like and to date all my other A5 calendars never got used but with making this planner my 'me' planner I have already started using it to make a quick note of what I did at the gym and how that made me feel and what I am grateful for, it seems to be working - although I appreciate it is only two days in as I write this but still, it is something I think I can work with and continue to do.  I am not writing too much, just a few lines as I do have a seperate journal for innermost thoughts and feelings so this is more of a health log of how I am progressing.

Working on that alongside Leonie's workbook seems a good way to wind down at the end of the day and leaves my mind thinking of the good stuff before I go to sleep rather than everything else and that can only be a good thing!

I am looking forward to the new year and what it will bring, I am determined to get my goals especially in respect of my exams and my weight loss/body image. My friend came out with a fab saying that I love, she said "By this time next year I want to be a Christmas cracker not a Christmas pudding!" And I can so resonate with that!!

I have a few more days off work and I am spending that time researching good healthy lunchbox ideas and gathering all the necessary things I'll need such as Tupperware containers etc. my plan is to spend lunchtimes at work studying and eating a healthy lunch rather than wandering around the shops and buying pre-packed full of salt lunches...sounds like a plan don't you think?  I can go out on the lunchtime of payday to reward my efforts with a new funkier piece of gym kit, hopefully in a smaller size!

I have my first exam in April and I have to submit 6 more assignments before 20 March so I have a lot of work to do, I've already submitted the first one and got an A, which made me feel so proud of myself but has now set a precedent for my future assignments....I have to get a B at the minimum for them to count towards my overall grade. I am going to be so busy!!  That is one reason why I have set myself the task of using my lunch hour, that and it will stop me spending as I still feel a bit guilty about the gym membership!  Although I am currently spending over £15 a week on those pre-packed lunches so I will save a bit of money there too by making my own. Win win I think! 

I will be using my VDS to track my studying too and I need to work out the timetable again for when I need to have the assignments in by as I have slacked off a bit over Christmas but I really need to get back into it at the start of the year. The next exam will be in October and if I pass these two I will be halfway to fully qualified.  I want them to be over so much as that is the end of the line for me and I won't have to study any more, I feel like I've been doing it forever as it is!  The step after that is to get a better job hopefully with the company I am with already as I really like it there but if not it'll be time to move on...but I'm jumping the gun a bit, I need to concentrate on the here and now and not worry about the future yet.

At the moment I am feeling bright and positive and that's the way I want it to stay!

Until next time, take care xxx


  1. I need to plan my lunches better.

    1. Hi Giftie, I am finding that preparing it for the whole week is helping as I don't seem to have time to mess about with it every night/morning so fingers crossed I have it sorted!
