Sunday 8 March 2015

My little planning space

I have spent the last few hours trying to get some kind of organisation going on in my little room and it's filling up fast with all kinds of stationery, files, books and the obligatory 'happy bits' that I see and can't resist buying but I really need to STOP as I am running out of space!!

I wanted my little room to be somewhere I could hide out and do my craft bits, plan and study and generally relax but it is turning into chaos and I need to get a grip on it QUICK!

It has set me off thinking though, why do we feel the need to surround ourselves with 'things' - surely there cant be that much joy in ten packets of the same pen? Or multiple multiples of post it notes - seriously, I don't even use that many!!  But how could I resist this while I was out shopping yesterday?

Even my office at work is starting to acquire the notebook thing...

And pen pots...why do I keep buying these??  The lovely snakeskin ceramic ones were from Asda in their clearance for 90p each...although they are supposed to be for the bathroom but I thought they'd make nice pen pots :)

The 'leather' organiser I got from the Range and didn't really think I'd use it...didn't take me long to run out of space in it though!!  Even the little drawer is full!!  I have THREE huge pencil cases that are all full to bursting with every kind of pen, pencil and highlighter imaginable and these don't include my fountain pens (another fetish) or felt tips for colouring in!  I got this set and the colouring book from my best friend for my birthday and although I haven't managed to do much colouring in, I love it!

Even my little storage area is starting to overload...

Those drawers are FULL and so are the boxes.  This is where all my new pens and packets of post it notes are kept, well some of them...the rest are in another box(es) along with enough stickers to keep a children's nursery going for a year!  I don't actually use that many stickers either, go figure!  The boxes are full of stamps and inks.

I've sorted my 'platform' out so it isn't piled high with mountains of post and stuff to do.  This area isn't finished yet, need to still get some covering (using old postcards, photographs, concert tickets and other memorabilia under a sheet of perspex) and sort out the wiring for my colour changing globe - this is an amazing light that seems to make the book wallpaper look so real!

I've found the other end of my shelf that my filofaxes are on (it was a huge shelf cut down) and I am going to put it above the filo's to put all my notebooks on...the job now is to retrieve all the notebooks from their hiding places and see exactly how many there is and whether there is too many for the shelf space that I have...

Right, off to seek out the notebooks...I may be some time!

Until next time, take care xxx

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