Monday 20 August 2012

So what's it all about?

I have 'followed' people for a while on Twitter (which I totally do not understand!) and Youtube and even Facebook - all in all I have felt like a bit of a stalker for some but these are ordinary people that talk about ordinary things...I guess that I am just really interested in other people, no matter how ordinary - in fact the more ordinary the better as I can relate to their stories - so it has made me think - I'm just as ordinary as all those I find interesting so...

Welcome to the beginning of my blog!

I have no idea what I am doing and I guess that this will just evolve as I learn more and more of what all these buttons do! But this is just an online diary type thing right? A conversation between me, myself and I about things I like or things I've found or just stuff I'd like to share with anyone who cares to take a peek...yeah, I can do this!

Today I woke up to what promised to be a glorious day. Not so. I managed to get out for a spin on my trusty steed 'Bob' who is my Virago 535 and went over to see my sister in law with my Hubby. Handpicked these beautiful flowers from her garden - they smell so divine!! 

The rain started to fall on the return journey but managed to just get the bikes away before the heavens opened. Lucky!! I don't mind being called a 'fair weather rider' there is no shame in preferring to keep your hobby pleasurable and there is nothing pleasurable about riding in the rain!!

This afternoon is being spent chilling out and preparing for an exciting week at work next week - new jobs always seem to come with the mandatory boring first few weeks where no one knows why you are there (including yourself!) and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel when all of a sudden it all makes perfect sense and you end up loving your new position and the forthcoming challenges it will bring - unfortunately I am not at that place yet...still at the mandatory stage but it's looking promising :) I will be optimistic and positive - mind over matter - and I will turn this around just as soon as I figure it

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